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California, here we come!


So, this has been a super exciting year for our family. Big business changes, a new baby on the way, a new brand. I feel like I am always posting with "Exciting news for Settled In!" But this is one of the most exciting things I have been able to do since starting the business in October of 2015.

I have been toying with the idea of e-design for months now. I even started an application to Havenly, an online interior design service that seems to be right up my alley in the style department. My fear and what I feel is lack-of-experience kept me from submitting that application, but I have not completely shut the idea out of my mind. I really like the idea of e-design- being able to assist people throughout the country, not just in my small neck of the woods, with their interior design projects and the best part- not having to leave my house to do it! It seems so smart and timely for people of my generation. I have to admit, going to meet a potential client at their home for the first time is a bit scary. I'm just a little girl! Or at least, I feel like one in those moments. But having all communication and process happen cooperatively online takes a great deal of that fear away and puts a lot more responsibility on the homeowner which I like. Seasoned interior designers all know the industry is changing drastically with the accessibility of products on the internet. I just happen to be of the age and ability to jump on the technology train instead of fighting it.

Anyways....a few months ago my cousin from California called me half-serious, half-joking about helping him with decorating his home in exchange for a plane ticket to come visit Sacramento. After a few back and forths, I finally asked, "Are you being for real?" Dave and I have ALWAYS wanted to visit California since before we were even married. Having a baby sooner than expected, and me leaving my teaching job a few years into being married, that trip seemed to get further and further away. I told my cousin, Ronnie, that I couldn't come without Dave, and we just didn't have the money for that kind of trip right now. Not to mention, I was a few months pregnant at the time, and if Dave was going to come, I would want Riley to come too. I started thinking about all the places I wanted to see in California, got really excited, but landed on the fact that it just wasn't in the cards right now. I did however, happily offer to help him redecorate his home via the internet.

Sacramento Street Sign

He sent me some pictures of his place, and a filled out design questionnaire I created. We face-timed so I could get a better feel of the place. Then I sent him a proposal. We decided to tackle his bedroom first, since it was the easiest room to change and I could make sure I was getting his style aesthetic correct. Well, he LOVED it. He bought EVERYTHING I suggested, which was a huge compliment to me. Clients rarely ever go with every option I choose the first time.

As things progressed and I began ordering his products, I felt like I NEEDED to see this completed space in person. I wanted pictures, as I knew it would be a great room to represent my style. Well, Ronnie was all too happy to oblige. He bought my plane ticket and assured me this was just going to be my "scouting" trip. I could come for a few days, put the room together, take pictures, see some of what California has to offer, and report back to Dave with a better understanding for our real vacation we will take someday.

So off I go, next Wednesday, to Sacramento, California! A girl who has never been further west than Pennsylvania. I will be posting while out there and collecting lots of content for the new blog, which will be launching shortly after I return home on July 5th. Definitely keep an eye out and follow along for pictures of the bedroom design as well! Also check back on the blog THIS THURSDAY to find out what the new blog will be called!!

I feel incredibly blessed to be able to take advantage of this offer. I've always wanted a job that would allow me to travel a bit. If you are from California or know the Sacramento area well, leave me some places to go and things to do. I will be a bit busy, considering its only 4 full days and we will be traveling to Lake Tahoe on one of them, but I could definitely use some shopping locations and coffee shops to hit up during my stay.

I'm also curious of your thoughts of e-design. Would you ever consider that option for help with your interior design needs? A bit of professional help and direction without the invasion of a stranger in your home? Let me know! It's an idea that while on the back-burner, is definitely still simmering in my mind. Comment below and remember to pray for our family next Wednesday, as I travel and Dave stays home with Riley for 5 nights. And follow my Instagram (@settled_in) for stories and posts from The Golden State.

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Leah Hallahan

Hi everyone! I hope you find some inspiration here and enjoy my thoughts on interior design and life in general.  I love what I do and sharing it with all of you is a bonus!

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